
Friday, March 22, 2019

psychology :: essays research papers

Psychology study of fashion and the mindDualism - the mind is uncanny and the body is physical and they argon connected the mind cant be studiedIntrospection Wundt Observers report their reactions TO light, colors, and time perception analytic thinking Freuds theory of personality and method of psychotherapy, both of which assume the impressiveness of the unconscious process.Behaviorism scientific study of observable behavior knowledge the mental process thinking, knowing, and remembering.Basic query research that tests theories.Applied research research to solve practical human problemsTheory describes predicts and explains a phenomenon. venture testable prediction, usually derived from theoryLaboratory research in regulated surround and everything can be observedField research in the authentic worldSelf-report asking people about their own thoughts and feelingsBehavioral placard a form of research based on firsthand ceremonial occasion of a subjects behavior.Ar chival research research that relies on preexisting recordsStatistics math used to analyze research data theme studies research that involves in depth personal placardsSurveys research method that interviews or questions large conferences of peopleEpidemiology study of distribution of an illness in a populationRandom sample a method of selection in which everyone has an equal chance of being chosenNaturalistic observation observation of behavior as it occurs naturally in real-world settings.Correlation a statistical measure of the extent to which two variables are associatedScatterplot a graph which has dots for X and Y and reveals direction and strength of their correlation.Experiment research in which an researcher changes and keeps constant the variables on hit-or-missly assigned subjects.Independent variable all variable that the researcher manipulates in an experimentDependant variable a variable that is being measured in an experimentExperimental grouping th e group that is exposed to the independent variableControl group the group that isnt exposed to the independent variableRandom assignment random assignments to an experimentReplication the process of repeating an experiment to see if the results are reliable enough to be duplicated.Generalizability the extent to which a finding relates to, such(prenominal) as a certain population.Meta-analysis statistical procedures used to review a body of evidence by combining the results of individual studies.Deception conduct subjects to the true purpose of a study.Informed consent ethical fate if one wants to participate in a study (of ones own on the loose(p) will)Evolutionary psychology principles of evolution to understand human social behaviorBehavioral genetics genes and their affect on behavior

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