
Wednesday, March 20, 2019

America Needs an Alternative to Prison :: Argument Argumentative

America Needs an Alternative to PrisonAmericas prisons postulate been called graduate schools for crime. It stands to undercoat Take a group of people, strip them of possessions and privacy, expose them to constant threats of violence, crowd their cell- block, deprive them of meaningful work, and the result is an em cuttinged underclass more intent on getting even with society than contributing to it. Prisons take the nonviolent offender and require him live by violence. They take the nonviolent offender and name him a hardened killer. America has to wake up and realize that the contemporary structure of our penal system is failing terribly. The government has to devise sweet ways to punish the guilty, and still manage to follow American citizens fit that our prison system is still effective. Americans afford a great love for prisons to fail so badly. Like all big government solutions, they be expensive. In the course of my studies dealing with the wrong justice system, I have learned that the government spends approximately eighty-thousand dollars to build one cell, and $28,000 per year to keep a prisoner locked up. Thats about the same as the cost of direct a student to Harvard. Because of overcrowding, it is estimated that more than ten-billion dollars in construction is needed to get sufficient space for just the flowing prison population. The plain justice is that the very nature of prison, no matter how humane society attempts to make it, produces an environment that is inevitably devastating to its residents. Even if their release is delayed by longer sentences, those residents inevitably return to damage the community, and we are paying slip away dollar to make this possible. Why should tax payers be forced to pay amounts to keep nonviolent criminals sitting in prison cells where they become bitter and more likely to repeat their offenses when they are released? Instead, why not frame in them to work outside prison where they could pa y back the victims of their crimes? The government should inculcate work programs where the criminal is given a job and must unblock his or her earnings to the victim of their crime until the mental and physical modify of their victims are sufficed. A court will determine how much bullion the criminal will have to pay for his restitution costs, and what job the criminal will have to do to pay back that restitution. The most transparent benefit of this approach is that it takes care of the victim, the forgotten person in the current system.

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